CD-KEY per Windows Xp edhe Vista
Te Gjith antart qe kan probleme me Aktivizim t'windowsit ju kisha lut me i orjentu ne qet tem qe mos bojn kerkesa te reja...
pe shof qe krejt po thojn po lyp me aktivizu geniune etj...
per ata qe se kan windows xp te lisencum le ta lisencojn me ket cd-key
kjo cd ju ka dhan si dhurat Kolegjeve keshtu qe nuk osht per 1 pc po osht lisenc e pa kufizume.
dhe ska lidhje pse ti e ki cd-n e xp-s mundesh me instalu me ket CD-key
Shkarko programin per me ndrru cd-key
Shkarko XP Professional CD-Key
This version of Windows XP Pro with Service Pack 2 will not ask you to activate. It is a copy used in many colleges to teach students the installtion process of Windows XP. It is, however, a full version of XP, and it has all the extras Windows XP is known to have. This release will also allow you to log on to and use Windows Update with no problem. The CD is expected to be copied multiple times. I hope you all enjoy this release and hopefully its the last release you will ever have to download.
To Use:
Burn the image using NERO.
CD is bootable.
Install as you would an original CD.
nese deshironi edhe me downloadu ketu e keni